Hiring Admin - The Physio Revolution

We Are Hiring!

Client Experience Front Desk Position!

Want to Be Part of a Fun and Exciting Team and Spend Your Days Making People Feel Amazing by Building Relationships on the Phone and in Person....All While Working Towards Something Bigger?

We are looking for a Full Time client experience front desk person to join us at The Physio Revolution, our fast growing clinic in the heart of Denver, CO (40 hours).

It is IMPORTANT that you read the whole description on this page in detail before applying below.

NOTE: You do not need experience in the medical field, just a love for chatting with people on the phone & in person, helping them understand what we do & how we can help & want to build your customer service skills with potential for growth in the company as it grows. (This is not a role for a candidate looking to do personal training, looking to be a PT in the future, or looking to do their yoga/pilates or any other form of clinical work inside of the business - this is strictly a customer service and office work position.)*

  • Are you naturally nurturing, enjoy all different types of people, and love building relationships with people? Is this something most of your friends and family would say is a quality you possess?
  • Are you confident, empathetic and enthusiastic about helping people?
  • Do you have a personality that people naturally gravitate to?
  • Are you eager to work in a small business where you can be a part of it's growth & success by helping active adults in the Denver community?
  • Are you flexible & able to adapt to change?
  • Do you have a passion for personal growth and committed to self-improvement? 
  • Are you someone who enjoys knowing the "how", "why" & "what" so you can improve in your customer service skills & communication? - You can take constructive feedback to help improve areas that might not be strengths of yours.
  • Do you view the opportunity to learn as a privilege & not something you should be paid to do?
  • Is being “organized” a top priority in your life, and are you able to multi task, while managing your time to effectively meet deadlines and hit standards ?
  • Are you comfortable with talking to strangers, both in person and on the phone?
  • Are you eager to work in a place with weekly in-house training?
  • Do you possess a thirst to find things that need to be done or be done better. Never thinking, “My job is done”, but rather “What can I do next?”
  • Are you comfortable handling money and other objections ?
  • Do you work well with a team honestly and with full transparency?
  • Can you communicate & listen effectively with people from all different backgrounds-both written and verbal?
  • Are you able to speak up when you see something that is not working and can you anticipate the needs of other people, showing up to work knowing that the smallest details always make the difference?
  • Do you have a positive outlook on life? Are you flexible, open to change and committed to learning?
  • Can you easily build and foster long-term relationships in a professional way?
  • Are you eager to work in a place that is more then a 9-5 job, but a place where you can grow personally, professionally & be a part of something much bigger?

If this is sounding like you & what you are looking for read on...

We are a physical therapy and wellness clinic located in the heart of Denver, Colorado that is experiencing rapid growth. We’ve grown from zero visits a week to a booked schedule week on week with clients coming through the doors. We are completely out-of-network with all insurance companies allowing us to provide a world class experience for our clients one in which we foster deep relationships and transform peoples lives.  

Our mission is to help active adults make better decisions about their health that help them stay active, independent, & mobile in order to do the things they love (a whole lot more of that Colorado Lifestyle) without nasty pain pills, painful injections or pointless surgeries all while providing a world class experience.  

Ask anyone of our clients and you’ll soon discover we have created an incredible environment and experience for you to serve our clients to the best of your abilities.  

We believe so strongly in education and provide a ton of in-house training, teaching and coaching. You will work directly with both co-owners of the business and have the opportunity to help grow this business even further by serving our clients with an incredible experience. You have the potential to have a job that is more then just a job, but a place where you can really grow personally & professionally while truly improving peoples lives.

We are looking for a candidate to help us grow the revenue of the clinic by retaining the clients that we have.  

Doing this will involve developing deep and meaningful relationships with our clients in a professional way, handling objections, spending time getting to know each one personally and answering their concerning questions about physical therapy & what we can do for them.

We need this person to create the type of experience that customers can't wait to come back to, will be happy to pay for and be just as happy to tell others about.  

Demand for this role has been high and we invite you to apply if you feel confident and able to achieve the tasks and responsibilities listed below: 

We know true “A players” love to be held accountable for high standards of performance, which means you will be given your own key objectives and outcomes to meet (with support & training from us). When these are consistently met, you’ll experience benefits and privileges.

To Achieve the Level of Success we are Looking for, You Will be Required to:


The biggest responsibility of this position is to retain clients. We know if we provide a world class waiting room environment for our clients, one they will look forward coming back to including wanting to see you, they will! We expect you to be able to build relationships with our clients and from the moment they pull up to our building you are focused on brightening their day.  

You will be required to be pro-active in retaining clients and part of that requires you to be able to effectively communicate our services, upcoming sales & products if you know they would benefit from it, knowing if you do provide this type of waiting room experience 8 out of 10 current clients (or 80%) will keep coming back for more.


Help Fulfill Our Mission - The mission of the company is to “help people make better decisions about their health”, and one of the things that we offer our prospective clients to help to do that is give them time up front requiring you to hold a lengthy, personal (at least 15-25 minute) conversation with new clients on the phone, ensuring clients are committed and objections addressed to communicate the value of our services (on the phone and in person) and be able to explain how what we do is worth the price we are asking

** 1 of the responsibilities of this position will be your ability to effectively communicate to our potential patients the benefits of physical therapy so they can “make better decisions about their health”. With most incoming phone calls of people calling us for serivces they need, done successfully via our training, you'll be able to help them do this at least 80% of the time. It will be expected you to become proficient at this within 3 months (with training). 


Ensure people show up excited for their appointment after scheduling and continue to be throughout their plan of care, so much so that they will return and likely become lifetime clients. Patients who book appointments and then don't show up or cancel before their appointment are not good for either parties involved. Because of that, you will be held responsible to help them show up excited & thrilled to be with us while meeting standards of a "show up rate" and a "re-schedule appointment" rate of 90% for people who drop off within 30 days of hiring (with training).  


Contribute and attend 3 hours per week in house training – where we discuss how things are going, what needs improvement, and it includes giving a once per month presentation to the rest of the team about client experience or core values.  

 This includes learning, reviewing metrics from previous week and working on improving areas that fall below standards set and role playing, coaching and training. As well as, continue to help us all grow as a team & business by bringing new ideas to the table and ways to improve customer experience based on feedback and experience in the position. 


Be flexible in your working hours - In the 21st Century, clients expect to be seen before, during, after work and on weekends. We know that back pain or knee pain doesn’t go away for our patients after 5pm. Because of that, and to be successful in this role, you will be required to make yourself available from 7am until 7pm Mon-Fri and Saturday mornings from 8am – 12pm. Your 30-40 hours per week contracted hours will be scheduled during these hours (start and end times between these hours are negotiable!) and the salary ($38,000-$45,000) agreed upon will compensate you for making yourself available during these hours of standard business operation.


Have People Coming Back Because of All of Your Great Passion & Workwithin 3 months we expect that at least 3 word of mouth referrals are calling in due to you being pro-active with our current clients to drive referrals from their families, friends or co-workers (and within 6 months at least 4 word of mouth referrals) and be pro-active in asking for reviews on Google & Facebook (7 per month).


Be A Respectful Team Member - Responsible & Dependable - Be dependable, on time, willing to do things because they need to be done without thinking “that’s not my job” or “that’s not why I was hired”. Your presence alone illustrates your commitment to being a team player and making EVERYONE’S experience better, either your teammate’s or our client’s & contriubtes to the fun environment we all want to work in. Communicate with other team members to keep people on schedule, discuss when plan of care is coming to an end (purchase another package if appropriate), relay if someone is unsatisfied & what you think could help them, etc. Effectively communicate to keep clients happy and coming back for more.


You will be responsible for front desk type tasks that keep the business running effeciently (knowing details, organization, time management, schedule efficency & maximazation make the biggest difference ) including other things like:

  • Develop and regularly update the Front Desk Procedures so that every aspect of the role is documented, ensuring it can be achieved by someone else in the business if something was to happen to you. 
  • Coordinating front desk activity, organizing, providing receipts, taking payments, creating super-bills, handwriting cards, running errands, collect & help client's with their intake paperwork, tracking/inputting data, etc.
  • Be proficient with computers, smart phones, software such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Google drive, sending and receiving email, managing a computer - either PC or Mac.
  • Take pictures/videos with/of clients and employees.
  • Send/give appropriate items in our customer journey 100% of the time
  • Remember when big things are happening in clients lives, plan for them and “wow” clients (ie birthdays, retirement, etc. )

Furthermore, experience in this exact role is not required and neither is a degree from a college/university, however the candidate is required  to adhere to the following core values with the team:

  • Deliver “WOW” through service
  • Embrace & Drive Change
  • Create Fun, Positivity & Laughter
  • Be Creative & Open Minded
  • Constant Pursuit of Growth & Learning
  • Person First, Patient Second
  • Be Open & Willing to Grow With Coaching & Training to Improve Your Skill Set
  • Build Open & Honest Relationships With Communication
  • Build a Positive Team & Family Spirit
  • Do More With Less
  • "Walk the Talk"
  • Be Humble
  • Be Kind, Energetic & Empathetic 

The successful candidate will work for the owners of the business (Annie & Brooke) to ensure that these core values are present in the day to day running of the business – and ultimately, responsible for the successful growth of the business...

All hiring (and firing) at The Physio Revolution is made with these Core Values firmly in mind and we look forward to discussing them more with you at the interview - when we can also discuss other benefits and incentives of you choosing to join our team!

It is said that some of the happiest & most fulfilled people in the world, possess 2 things: an insatiable appetite for growth and learning & an ability to serve others to the utmost of their abilities. We believe that whole-heartedly and is why we put such a strong emphasis on serving our clients to the best of our abilities while constantly pursuing more growth and learning. 

We will support you in this role and can provide an incredible career opportunity- one where you will have the potential for growth in the company and where pay rises and privileges will be linked to performance.

If you are a friendly & fun person who likes what you have just read & looking for a learning environment where you can grow yourself professionally & personally…then YOU should apply! We look forward to talking to you soon!

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