Are You Suffering From Analysis Paralysis When It Comes To Your Aches & Pain? - The Physio Revolution

Are You Suffering From Analysis Paralysis When It Comes To Your Aches & Pain?

What decisions are you NOT making that could be impacting you?

Do you ever just sit and think about something important you need to do in your life… and then days or months or seasons later stop and remember that you never took action on it?

It’s probably similar to time in your life that you wanted to go to a school or apply for a job you wanted, maybe a gym class you meant to subscribe to in order to get back in shape, or a better diet you needed to start… yesterday. 

But now, days or months later, you realize you haven’t done that yet.

Starting is always the hardest part, isn’t it?

They say that it takes a rocket over 90% of it’s fuel to just get started into space and then from there, momentum carries it in space and the fuel is minimally used and it takes less effort to stay in orbit from that point on.

This seems to be the biggest issue we see when it comes to people making decisions about what’s best for their health and when dealing with pain. It’s called analysis paralysis. 

Basically, you’ve thought about doing something about your pain or your body for so long – that you keep thinking about doing something – and eventually it just becomes more thinking and more thinking – rather than action and DOING. And the reality is… the pain is still there.

There’s a good chance you’ve evaluated your options and what to do, but at some point the only way you will know if it’s the right choice is by testing your best options you’ve come up with. 

It’s likely that the data you have come up with will likely help you to some degree, but at some point you will need to take the leap of faith and trust that no matter what happens, it will get better if you just take that first step.

Like we tell people, even if it doesn’t work 100% the way you want it to when you first try it – at least you know what is NOT going to work for you.

This is helpful information either way.

You really do not have any other options than trying or sitting and thinking more.  It’s just that thinking isn’t going to tell you if that option worked or not. You need to take action.

This is what we see a lot in many of our clients before they come to see us. They have tried multiple options such as massage, chiropractors, doctors, injections, surgery and even other physical therapy clinics (and multiple of them too!). So, why should they trust that we are any different? So, they become skeptical or fearful that there is anything that can be done for them.

We get it.

But, this then eventually evolves into just doing nothing about it. The pain now has become the “new normal” to deal with.

That build up of time suffering, struggling and not doing anything takes them further from where they want to be:  happy, active, being adventurous, laughing and enjoying life! All because of what decisions they didn’t make, AKA analysis paralysis. 

We understand that you may have been let down in the past. We understand you might not know what will and will not help you moving forward when it comes to your health decisions and what pain-free looks like to you once again. 

One thing we don’t do – we will not take on anyone unless we are 100% sure we can help them the way they want.

This is why we give you many free options to get started with us. 

You can “trial” us and just get a feel for if you like what we offer you, if you feel like we “get it” when it comes to your situation or are a good fit for you, and make sure that we feel we can help you the way you want 100% before any commitments are made.  

Remember- the toughest part is just getting started – it takes over 90% of your effort. But, once you get that going – momentum will carry you.

If you’re looking for help with your pain, but are unsure of what to do about it or what needs to happen to help you get back to being active, happy, and adventurous again… you can just easily get started with a few options based on what you’d rather try.

You can start with a Free Phone Call with one of our team members that can give you advice on what to do about your situation.

Or, you can get started with a Free Consultation that we call our Discovery Visit. This is a time where you can sit down with one of our specialized physical therapists and discuss what’s been going on, figure out what needs to happen to help you, and decided if we are the right people to help you on this journey towards being who you really are without pain slowing you down.

Your choice. 

We’re just here to support you on getting that journey started so you can continue to be you.

Don’t get stuck in analysis paralysis. There’s no better day than today to get started on a better version of yourself.

Start with a Booking a call with one of our team members here.

Brooke Olsen

Brooke Olsen

Co-Founder, Director of Physical Therapy
Brooke is a physical therapist, director of physical therapy, and co-founder at The Physio Revolution. She has worked with professional athletes from Olympic level and recreational weekend warriors to others who are in need of regaining their independence and mobility back in their everyday life. Brooke works extensively with all of the PT’s and spends a vast amount of her time ensuring our treatment plans keep pace with the rapid advancements that make physical therapy so effective and such a ‘go-to’ profession for people aged 45+.
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