Podcast – Episode 16 – What Is Your Body Telling You? – With Guest Dr. Juli Kramer - The Physio Revolution

Podcast – Episode 16 – What Is Your Body Telling You? – With Guest Dr. Juli Kramer

In this episode of the Aging Happily Without Pain Podcast, Dr. Brooke Olsen & Dr. Annie Brodsky are joined by Dr. Juli Kramer discussing the beautiful process of aging and talk more deeply about a practice that most people don't use, Qigong, but should be using especially as we age. We also take a dive into what it means to be listening to your body and what it's telling you. This is another amazing episode with Dr. Juli Kramer, who is now a certified Qigong instructor but also has her Ph. D. in Curriculum & Counseling Psychology. It's jammed with great information, so you don't want to miss this episode!

Also, if you have persistent injuries, get a copy our free Amazon Best Selling book Aging Happily Without Pain now at https://www.thephysiorevolution.org/aging-happily

Click to learn more about Juli and what she can do for you below: 

Website: https://radiantshenti.com 

Contact: juli@radiantshenti.com

About Dr. Juli Kramer:

Dr. Juli Kramer is a certified qigong, meditation, and TCM beauty secrets instructor. She holds a diploma in Chinese Medicine Nutritional Therapy and multiple certificates in Chinese medicine and face reading. Juli also has a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Counseling Psychology. She helps others right here out of Denver, CO and virtually as well.

Thanks for listening!

Brooke Olsen

Brooke Olsen

Co-Founder, Director of Physical Therapy
Brooke is a physical therapist, director of physical therapy, and co-founder at The Physio Revolution. She has worked with professional athletes from Olympic level and recreational weekend warriors to others who are in need of regaining their independence and mobility back in their everyday life. Brooke works extensively with all of the PT’s and spends a vast amount of her time ensuring our treatment plans keep pace with the rapid advancements that make physical therapy so effective and such a ‘go-to’ profession for people aged 45+.
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