How David Overcame Chronic Back Pain - The Physio Revolution

How David Overcame Chronic Back Pain

Are you ready to get back to living an active and pain-free life? Book a free call with our team today to find out how we can help you!

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Meet David.

At 73 years young and full of life to live with his family and his 4 grandchildren, David was suffering with bad back pain.

When we met him, he was unable to pick up a piece of paper from the ground...

Couldn't take his dog Oreo on a walk for more than 6-7 minutes...

He couldn't focus because of the pain and wasn't able to sit in a straight back chair. 

He had to rely on his recliner for relief...

Life was a struggle.

David was also open with us about his depression and said it got worse because he was limited by this pain over the years and the outlook of his future didn't look great.

He tried many things to help it like going to the physical therapists his doctors recommended to him.

The MRI and X-ray said he had bone spurs all along his back, severe arthritis and as his doctor put it "his back was a mess"...

He later had surgery on his back to "relieve the pinched nerve", but the pain came right back shortly after...

And he was then told by another orthopedic surgeon, "If anybody ever tries to tell you that they can get you out of pain, don’t believe them!”

David admitted that this clouded him for many years and made him skeptical anything could help him.

After watching the webinar all about How To Put An End To Back Pain - David said he felt a spark of skeptical or cautious hope...

And he said our authenticity, transparency, and the free session helped him make a decision to give it a try.

Now after a couple months, where is David?

Well, he decided to share his amazing story with you and at the end of the video, he has a special request for anyone who is skeptical or who have lost hope as he once did

I know you'll be glad you did. It gave us goosebumps multiple times!

In this amazing 13 minute video, David & Lauren cover:

  • What the doctor told him that held him back from pain-relief for years …
  • How David got to where he is today…
  • What it really takes to successfully get out of pain and back to a life you love once again...

Brooke Olsen

Brooke Olsen

Co-Founder, Director of Physical Therapy
Brooke is a physical therapist, director of physical therapy, and co-founder at The Physio Revolution. She has worked with professional athletes from Olympic level and recreational weekend warriors to others who are in need of regaining their independence and mobility back in their everyday life. Brooke works extensively with all of the PT’s and spends a vast amount of her time ensuring our treatment plans keep pace with the rapid advancements that make physical therapy so effective and such a ‘go-to’ profession for people aged 45+.
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