Podcast – Episode 9 – How To Find Time To Combat Chronic Stress & Eat Healthy Nutritious Foods – With Guest Maria Capecelatro - The Physio Revolution

Podcast – Episode 9 – How To Find Time To Combat Chronic Stress & Eat Healthy Nutritious Foods – With Guest Maria Capecelatro

In this episode of the Aging Happily Without Pain Podcast, Dr. Brooke Olsen & Dr. Annie Brodsky are joined by the amazing Maria Capecelatro who is a Nutritional & Behavioral Therapist, and Specialist in Helping Others Overcome Stress Through Mindset, Habits, and Nutrition.

If you have persistent injuries, get our free Amazon Best Selling book Aging Happily Without Pain now at www.thephysiorevolution.com.

Learn more about Maria and what she can do for others below:

Maria Capecelatro - Maria Rose

Website: https://www.mariarose.co

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iam.mariarose

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MariaRoseStress

About Maria: 

Maria has spent the past decade working with her clients in behavioral therapy and nutrition.  She specializes in overcoming stress through mindset, habits and nutrition. She herself struggled with chronic stress while she was in grad school and over time learned how to cut down on stress. Maria works to find what's really causing your stress and work with you to find a way out. Her typical clients are hard-working professionals, CEOs, business owners, and all-around high achievers. By utilizing nutrition, mindset and one's environment, Maria helps her clients find an all-in-one solution to their stress. So, if you want to overcome your stress and you aren't sure what to do, Maria's got you!

Thanks for listening!

Brooke Olsen

Brooke Olsen

Co-Founder, Director of Physical Therapy
Brooke is a physical therapist, director of physical therapy, and co-founder at The Physio Revolution. She has worked with professional athletes from Olympic level and recreational weekend warriors to others who are in need of regaining their independence and mobility back in their everyday life. Brooke works extensively with all of the PT’s and spends a vast amount of her time ensuring our treatment plans keep pace with the rapid advancements that make physical therapy so effective and such a ‘go-to’ profession for people aged 45+.
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