What Is "Sciatica" And How To Avoid Getting "Generic" Exercises To Fix It! - The Physio Revolution

What Is “Sciatica” And How To Avoid Getting “Generic” Exercises To Fix It!

It’s Brooke from The Physio Revolution and today I wanted to discuss a hot topic (lots of patients coming in with this right now!) at our clinic recently…


If you are unfamiliar or need a little better description of what sciatica really is, then watch this video below where I explain to you:

  1. What is sciatica?
  2. What are the common signs/symptoms present with sciatica?
  3. What is the root cause of sciatica?
  4. How should one go about to fix their sciatica?
  5. How to avoid generic exercises and get a better solution for my sciatica?


You can get a little glimpse of how I focused solely on becoming a back pain specialist and what drove me to understanding the “back” in such depth…

Watch the video here:

Make sure to watch the video to get full detail of how sciatica presents, what does it really mean, and how to better help yourself if you or someone you love does suffer from sciatica.

One thing I do recommend for those who NEED to sit longer durations and find it uncomfortable after a duration of time is to use a McKenzie Lumbar Roll each day at your desk.  I use mine daily as well.

Here’s what it does:

This certain lumbar roll has the precise density foam that is best for starting to improve your posture at a desk. It gives a friendly reminder for postural corrections by pushing your spine into neutral position… leading to less tension on muscles and nerves.

As you can see, it has the loop to also maintain the height of where the lumbar roll should stay…

I have 3 (one for my desk, in the car, and my desk at home) and I recommend them often to all my back pain patients…

Or even if you are not currently suffering from back pain… it’s fantastic to keep your posture awareness healthy and this is how I help my patients do that.

You can find the roll here:  The Original McKenzie Early Compliance Lumbar Roll – Low Back Support for Office Chairs and Car Seats

Lastly, since we understand that most (much like myself if you watched the video) wait much longer than they should for solutions to back pain… we offer a free option for our patients to help gain a better understanding of how to help themselves…

This is called our Free 30 Minute Discovery Visit.

You can get solutions and answers to your questions about what is going on with your back discomfort, your symptoms, and your specific presentation of complaints…

You can also get a better understanding of your diagnosis, the prognosis or the outcome likelihood including how long it will take, how much it will cost you, and how to make sure you get the best answers to your back issues.

You get all of this for FREE, guaranteed 100%.

I cannot think of another clinic in Denver that offers this to any of their patients 1st before they have to make a decision on who they see to help them.

The thing is, we would rather you not wait and suffer longer than you should. We know this a normal human mistake and to avoid this, we make sure to offer it to all of our patients 1st before they have to make a decision if we are the best fit for them and if they are the best fit for us as well.  This way, you get to make the BEST decision for yourself.

Book A Call Here to see if our Free 30 Minute Discovery Visit is right for you.

To Your Health and Happiness,


Brooke Olsen

Brooke Olsen

Co-Founder, Director of Physical Therapy
Brooke is a physical therapist, director of physical therapy, and co-founder at The Physio Revolution. She has worked with professional athletes from Olympic level and recreational weekend warriors to others who are in need of regaining their independence and mobility back in their everyday life. Brooke works extensively with all of the PT’s and spends a vast amount of her time ensuring our treatment plans keep pace with the rapid advancements that make physical therapy so effective and such a ‘go-to’ profession for people aged 45+.
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