“I Used To Think My Back Pain Would Never Go Away” - The Physio Revolution

“I Used To Think My Back Pain Would Never Go Away”

Are you ready to get back to living an active and pain-free life? Book a free call with our team today to find out how we can help you!

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“I used to think my back pain would never go away.

Laying awake at night, not able to sleep, I wondered if this was my life now.

My back pain made it nearly impossible to sleep through the night, actually be a pleasant person to be around, and it definitely made it harder to stay active and take care of myself.

I was scared that any certain activity was going to cause me to feel worse pain for days on end.

I used to love to workout in the gym every week with heavier weights.

When my back pain was bad, I couldn’t even fix the garage opener on the house or put on my socks.

Wanna know what was even worse than that?

Not being able to care for my son.

I had to let him down because of my pain. I would literally tell him 'We can’t run or play. Daddy can’t do that.'

And my wife noticed me changing into someone she didn’t marry.

It was the worst, and honestly the only thing that drove me to keep searching for a solution after I tried physical therapy, injections, and chiropractic unsuccessfully was that my family needed me to be better.

I knew if I got a surgery, I’d never be the active dad I wanted to be, so I kept going.

Thankfully, I finally found a solution.”

Those were the words of my client, Will, who we helped end his chronic back, neck, and knee pain naturally without harmful, unnatural methods. 

Will’s story is powerful. I know it has the power to help people just like him, who have also been let down, and are near losing hope.

Hi, name is Dr. Brooke Olsen, DPT and I’m a well known back pain specialist and co-owner of The Physio Revolution.

We’re known for helping people like Will regain their hope and optimism when they feel like they’ve tried everything, and we want to help more people like him.

So, we recently sat him down for an interview and recorded a free case study showing "How We Helped Will End His Chronic Back Pain Naturally, Without Any Harmful Or Unnatural Methods"

The case study is completely free to watch, and is about 18 minutes long. 

During it, we discuss:

- The New Method Of Ending Chronic Back Pain That Actually Works, And Doesn't Require Any Harmful, Unnatural Methods

- How Will Is Using Something Called "A Sandwich Technique" To Practically Guarantee He Can Avoid Another Back Pain Episode… And What That Means For You

- The One Big Issue Will Had That Kept Him In Pain For years And Was Overlooked By 12 Of His 13 Doctors (Hint: it wasn’t coming from his back)

To get free instant access, just watch the interview above.  

Your friend,

Dr. Brooke Olsen, DPT

P.S. Once you have the opportunity to watch this life changing video, you’ll have the opportunity to book a call with Annie on my team at no cost to you.

During the call, you’ll be able to ask us any questions you have about this program, and if you’d like to achieve the same life changing transformation as Will, you can ask us if we have the space to take you on as a client. Our schedule has very limited room available.

Just so you’re aware, we don’t work with everyone, and turn away more people than we take on. This means we don’t sell on these calls.

It’s just an opportunity for us to see if we can genuinely help you and give some customized health advice.

But please start with the free case study 🙂

Brooke Olsen

Brooke Olsen

Co-Founder, Director of Physical Therapy
Brooke is a physical therapist, director of physical therapy, and co-founder at The Physio Revolution. She has worked with professional athletes from Olympic level and recreational weekend warriors to others who are in need of regaining their independence and mobility back in their everyday life. Brooke works extensively with all of the PT’s and spends a vast amount of her time ensuring our treatment plans keep pace with the rapid advancements that make physical therapy so effective and such a ‘go-to’ profession for people aged 45+.
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